Sonax Fall Out Cleaner - 500ML
Sonax Fall Out Cleaner - 500ML

Sonax Fall Out Cleaner - 500ML

Rs.4,200 Rs.1,700
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Sonax Fall Out Cleaner - 500ML

Detailed Description:

Sonax Fall Out Cleaner is a specialized cleaning solution designed to remove iron particles, brake dust, and other metallic contaminants from vehicle surfaces. This pH-balanced formula effectively dissolves stubborn ferrous particles, making it an excellent choice for automotive enthusiasts and professional detailers.


  • Iron Particle Removal: Sonax Fall Out Cleaner contains active ingredients that target and dissolve iron particles, particularly those originating from brake dust and industrial fallout. This ensures a thorough cleansing of the vehicle's surface.
  • pH-Balanced Formula: Its pH-balanced formulation makes it safe for various surfaces, including paint, glass, and wheels, without causing damage or corrosion. This feature ensures versatility in its application.
  • Color-Changing Effect: One distinctive feature of Sonax Fall Out Cleaner is its color-changing effect. Upon application, the solution reacts with iron particles, turning them purple or red as it dissolves them. This visual indication signals the active removal of contaminants, enhancing the user's confidence in its effectiveness.
  • Gentle on Surfaces: Despite its powerful cleaning action, Sonax Fall Out Cleaner is gentle on surfaces, minimizing the risk of scratching or marring paint or other finishes.


  1. Preparation: Begin by ensuring the vehicle's surface is cool to the touch and out of direct sunlight. Rinse the surface to remove loose dirt and debris.
  2. Spray Application: Shake the bottle well before use. Spray Sonax Fall Out Cleaner evenly onto the dry surface, ensuring complete coverage. The color-changing reaction will start as it encounters iron particles.
  3. Reaction Time: Allow the solution to dwell on the surface for a few minutes. During this time, observe the color-changing effect, indicating the breakdown of iron contaminants.
  4. Agitation (if necessary): For heavily contaminated areas, use a soft brush or microfiber cloth to agitate the solution gently. This helps to loosen stubborn particles.
  5. Rinsing: Thoroughly rinse the treated area with water to remove the dissolved particles and residual cleaner.
  6. Final Wash: For best results, follow up with a regular wash to ensure the removal of any remaining residue.


  • Enhanced Paint Clarity: By effectively eliminating iron particles and brake dust, Sonax Fall Out Cleaner restores the vehicle's paint clarity and shine.
  • Extended Surface Protection: Regular use of this cleaner helps maintain the integrity of the vehicle's surface by preventing buildup of corrosive contaminants.

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